I've got about a week before I walk into the classroom and start filling young minds with English. Carrie, Owen and I spent the better part of yesterday afternoon getting my classroom ready. I'm excited. We changed it from a "hmm" to a "nice." Before the 16th I'm hoping to get to "wow." Aim high, huh? Well here's where it's all going to happen.

My school from the outside.

We're the scorpions, which, second to jellyfish, are my least favorite animal (in terms of things you periodically come across, I'm sure a shark or cobra would be worse company than either in absolute terms).

I'm guaranteed that by the end of the school year there will have been at least one child excited to be in my class. Now I'm just working on increasing my numbers.

All of Owen's lesson content took place in the bottom 12 inches of the board. I think I got where he was going with his material though.

Classroom from the back. I'm very excited about the smart board on the left. It's like a huge interactive iPad on the wall.

Classroom from the front. I've been told to expect 35 to 50 in the room, but I think with some of the laws that have been passed here lately, attendance is going to be at the lower end of that range this year. We'll see; that's a lot of brains to fill. Wish me luck filling them.