Sunday, September 27, 2009

Floor Seats To The Show

Owen got some good seats to the show today as I weed-wacked the back forty. He seemed like he wanted to be out with me, but it was probably for the best that he was safely inside the house. We actually cranked out a bunch of house stuff this weekend and we can proudly say that our house is in the best shape it's been during our ownership.

Owen had seats so close, you could smell the freshly cut grass.

He even got a shout out from a performer.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dirty Baby Bum

It's that time of year when Phoenix folks can start breathing a sigh of relief. It's still 100 during the day, but when you wake up early in the morning, it is a perfect 75 degrees. Ed took advantage of this cool weather one morning and washed the cars, and Owen was more than willing to help out.

Check out his little bum... you see how dirty it is?

It is very hard to keep the bum of a scooting little boy clean. I can always tell when it is time to mop by the amount of dirt on Owen's bum.

On a different topic all together... Congratulations to Jen and Jason!! Little Jackson was born on September 21st, 2009. He is beautiful and tiny... under 7 lbs! Lucky Jen. We are so happy for them and cannot wait to meet the little guy.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Five on Friday

1. Owen's favorite color is blue and his favorite shape is a star.

2. His vocabulary is growing and he is starting to know what it is he's talking about. Example: He sees an apple, he says apple. Same with a hat. Ask him how his day was and he says "good."

3. Owen loves things that go. We probably have 10 toy cars scattered around the house. He gets excited and points to the sky whenever a helicopter or airplane flies by. When we go on walks, he no longer stares at the ducks but at the street to watch the cars. And I have never seen him more excited than last weekend at the Rail Road Park when he saw the train go by.

4. It used to be that we would lay with Owen, or have him on our laps, until he fell asleep. Well not anymore. Now when it's nap time or bed time we just put him in his crib and walk away. And you know the crazy part? He actually falls asleep. He might cry for a couple of minutes but shortly after, he is out. It is really nice and we must give credit to Daycare Dawn for making it possible. She was the one who got him used to doing this and for that, we are very grateful.

5. Our camera is still out of sorts so I'm milking my Seattle photos for all they are worth. Here is another cute set of Owen and Grandma Cooper.

What kid doesn't love to lick the beaters?

Especially when they have homemade whip cream on them.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tejas Is Gonna Make Ya...

I know Jason is probably too busy taking care of his very pregnant wife (or by now, spending time with his bundle of joy Jackson) to be checking out our blog. Nonetheless, this one is for him.

Kris Kross is gonna make ya

Jump Jump

Wiggity, wiggity, wiggity, wiggity wack!

Miggity, miggity, miggity, miggity mack!

If you don't get it, you're not missing out on much. Just a little work to get maybe a chuckle out of the couple of people who do.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Lookin' Good in Pants

Owen doesn't often wear pants. He's a shorts wearing, bare foot scootin' type of kid. But when we booked our trip to Seattle, we went out and bought him a couple pair of pants. I must say, we should put him in pants more often because I think he looks dang cute in them.

Cute in pants but still barefoot. Once a laid back sun baby, always a laid back sun baby.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor Day Trip

Owen and I took a quick trip up to Seattle for Labor Day weekend. Ed, unfortunately, had to work so he couldn't make it. Owen rocked on the plane ride. I want to thank the little 7 year old girl from Litchfield Park who entertained Owen during the 3 hour trip on the way up, since the little stinker refused to sleep. She fed him pretzels and sang him songs. Luckily, on the trip back, he slept the entire time much to the happiness of the two guys crammed in the aisle with me. It was a short trip, but as always, worth it just to be able to give people a hug and say hi in person.

So this is what grandpa bellies are for.

I think that's around 45 pounds he is holding in his arms. Not too shabby.

I don't know what is sweeter to see: the two cousins playing together or the really happy looking aunt and grandpa in the background.

Always a good time when you are around these two sisters.

Grandma Miller and Owen bonding over Jackson's book.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bath Buddies

If there's one thing you have to do with related babies, it's toss 'em in a tub together. Well, this long overdue scrubfest finally happened while O-dog and Bella were in the same state for a couple of days this weekend.

Bubbles and babies: two great tastes that taste great together.

She with a crown of bubbles.

I really don't know what was going on here. It feels Japanese, though.

Owen's first memory of crazy uncle CJ.

Nothing attracts a gaggle of middle-aged women stronger than cute naked babies. Nothing.