Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Line 'Em Up

The shelf in our cupboard broke so we cleared out all the canned goods so Ed could fix it. Owen got a hold of the cans and pulled a classic Owen "line 'em all up" job. He still lines up his cars too. His preschool teacher made a comment that she can tell if Owen last played with the cars because they would be all lined up.

When he's older, he's going to make some incredible domino lines.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Role Play

Owen: "Hey mommy. You be Owen and I'll be daddy. Okay?"
Carrie: "Daddy, I want to play in the mud."
Owen: "No. We don't have mud. Too dirty."
Carrie: "Daddy, I want to go outside and I don't want to wear any pants." **
Owen: "Are you going out front or out back?"
Carrie: "Out front!"
Owen: "No. You can't be naked out front. People will see you and the police will get it you."
Carrie: "Ahhh daddy. Please"
Owen: "No. Put on pants. Shoes too."

Owen does a dang good impression of Ed. It's crazy. Now Ed doesn't seem too thrilled about the impression. He thinks he sounds like a jerk. I think he sounds like a parent.

** The "if outside, you must wear pants" argument is a fairly common battle around our house. With Owen of course.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Relaxing Day at the Zoo

Owen and I had an impromptu zoo trip on Saturday. Kristi and Miles were headed out and wanted to know if we could join. It was a good time. We didn't really go for the animals but more to let the kids play around on big toys and the splash pad while the moms got to chit-chat.

Dawn made the daycare kids hold hands when they went to the zoo. Old daycare habits never die.
Monkey see, monkey do.
Having a good time at the splash pad. Earlier two, female tourists from Japan wanted their picture taken with the cute little American blond boys. Ladies are just drawn to these guys!
Miniature old men at the park.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wholesome Family Fun

We headed up to Payson for the day to see the Gila County Fair Demolition Derby.  Although it's a little red in those parts of our red state, (and the announcer made no bones about that fact) we still had a very enjoyable day.  It was a modest county fair, but we were there for the smashin' and smashin' is what we got.

Owen finally got the one about the horse with the long face.

Let the crashin' begin!

Owen was in his happy place.

September 11 at a demolition derby, need we say more?

Carrie was happy with a successful family outing.

P.S. Not loving the new Blogger format. Sigh.

Monday, September 5, 2011

BBQ, Birthdays and Babies

Happy Labor Day everyone. It was very nice to have three days off. This weekend was Dawn's birthday so we hosted a birthday party for her. We had about 25 people over with almost half of them being kids that have gone, or are currently going to Dawn's daycare. 

We had a pool party (really, is there any other kind of party in Arizona during the summer?), bbq and sangria. It was a blast. We're fortunate to have met some really great people through daycare and Dawn got a little weepy realizing how many lives she has touched. Most of the families that use Dawn for daycare have no other family in Arizona so she really does become part of the family.

On another fun note, we want to say, "Congratulations!" to C.J., Alexis and Bella on the new addition to their family. Jameson Paul Cooper was born this Thursday, September 1st. He looks tiny and adorable. We can't wait to meet him.