Saturday, April 18, 2020

Four Months Y'all

One surefire way for us to calm Wyatt when he's upset (which, thankfully isn't all that often these days) is for me to march him in circles around our house. Introduce some nice bluetooth headphones to the situation and we have a beautiful nexus of pacification and productivity.

Given the amount of time I spend marching this guy around (we would peg the appropriate metric at days now, not just hours), I thought I had some insight into how much this guy weighs. Carrie and I were making bets as to how chunky our little chunker has gotten. I put the over/under at 20 pounds. Carrie thought maybe 18.

Well, it turns out we may need to retract the chunker moniker from this guy (but those cheeks!). I guess I'm just wimpy (or perhaps exhausted from aforementioned days of marching) because Wyatt came in at a relatively svelte 16.5 pounds. That puts him in the 65th percentile. A chunker, he is not.

He is tall, however. At a little over 26 inches, he's in the 90th percentile for height. These numbers closely resemble Owen's stats. I predict we're going to have a couple of big boys (though, maybe not chunkers).

Biased opinion-based statistic of the day: Wyatt is in the 98th percentile for cuteness. 

Completely fabricated statistic of the day: Those thighs are 63% more rolly than at birth.

Happy 4 months together everyone!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Milk Please.

Umm, excuse me, mother. May I have some more milk?

I am oh so hungry and have not eaten in the past hour. You seem to like the rolls in my legs, and brother finds my double-chin hilarious. You'll also notice I'm starting to cough like I have not had liquid refreshment in days. Please. Milk. Now.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Baby's First Easter...

... was very anti-climatic. A pandemic will do that to a holiday. The day was nice and simple. Owen looked for the eggs the Easter bunny hid. Wyatt, alas, did not get a basket but he seemed very content watching his brother open his. We spent the morning watching Hop and eating candy from Owen's basket.

Pre-pandemic I had bought Wyatt a cute outfit to wear for Easter. Wyatt was not a fan of having it buttoned all the way up; he prefers the David Hasselhoff look.

Eventually the pants came off, as what can happen during a quarantine.  Owen was disappointed his pants had to stay on. Growing old is a bummer sometimes.

Fortunately, Wyatt got a few good naps in. He had been pretty fussy the past couple days, so extra naps were a good thing.

We ended the evening with a long walk and a message of hope.

Friday, April 3, 2020

A Brother's Love

Ahhh... brothers. You can count on them to be there when you need support. And you can count on them to make fun of you when your parents buy you a munch mitt.

Wyatt loves chewing on his hands. He doesn't seem to be seeking his thumb; he just loves having his hands in his mouth. His hands were starting to look a little raw, so we bought him a munch mitt thinking that would help out. Wyatt's not having it, and Owen thinks it's hilarious. A couple of gems from Owen when he was making fun of Wyatt:

"One mitt to rule them all!"

"I am inevitable!"

We do appreciate that Owen's ridicule is tied to literature, and Wyatt might appreciate that this ridicule (along with the clear lack of interest) resulted in the munch mitt being quietly put to the side.