Saturday, January 26, 2013

Writ Large - Literally

They might be kind of hard to see in the photo, but each one of the green circles/doodles represents a plot twist to a story that Owen was creating in his mind. Owen was pretending he was frantically writing down a series of events that he was witnessing.  It was fascinating to listen to him. I wish I had thought to jot the story down as he was telling it.

Boat Grandma and Grandpa made an appearance in the story. Boat Grandpa battled an evil butterfly and Boat Grandma had a bomb and used it to blow up a scorpion. I believe those events are represented by two of the bottom left hand scribbles.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ugly Sweater Christmas Eve

Ron and Debby decided to spice up Christmas Eve this year by having everyone wear an ugly Christmas sweater.  The whole "ugly Christmas sweater party" is a pretty hot thing to do, so it was slightly difficult to find a truly ugly sweater, but we all tried our best. It did make for a rather festive Christmas Eve. Below is the family (minus a picture of sweet Jameson) in all our ugly Christmas sweater glory:

Friday, January 18, 2013

Surprise Visit

Look who popped in today to say hi. My Aunt Judy and Uncle Rick are in town for Barrett Jackson, and while my uncle was busy sneaking into hotels to see the super-pricey cars, Judy came over to catch-up and say hi.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sun and Food for the Soul

I woke up in a bit of a funk today. Job searching, followed by good 'ol job rejections, had brought me down. I really didn't want to be in a funk though and decided that some sun and aromatherapy (in the form of food cooking) was what I needed to lift my spirits.

It was a windy day so Owen had the wonderful idea of going to a park and flying a kite. Unfortunately, it seemed winder than it was so our kite flying wasn't that successful.

Owen didn't let that stop him from having fun though and he decided to take the matter into his own hands.

After the park, we came home to bake some bread. This is where my food aromatherapy came into play. I figured it would be hard to be in a funk when my house smelled like freshly baked bread. Owen immediately jumped in to help out. He's getting this baking thing down.

For the next two and a half hours I kicked my funk to the curb by making a home cooked meal. I have to admit, I am damn proud of this meal for many reasons:
  • For one, I took a healthier approach to making sadness go away than I may have done in the past. (I'm looking at you pizza and beer.)
  • Second, Owen was really into helping and I so enjoyed cooking with him. I had my soup simmering and he came over to check it out. It was loaded with veggies and beans so I wasn't sure he would eat it. He wanted to try some and after sampling some, gave me the thumbs up of approval. He then asked for a bowl of it, and as he was eating it turned to me and asked, "is there garlic in here?" I said of course. He then asked if he could add some bouillon seasoning to his bowl. At this point I was in a bit of shock that those words came out of his mouth, and I proceeded to get him some. He then asked if he could have the "mustard salt" like "daddy puts in his noodle soup." This is when it dawned on me that all the time we spend in the kitchen cooking was impacting Owen in a very positive way. 
  • Finally, this meal rocked. It was simple, but it felt good knowing that I made every single thing we ate (minus the Tabasco) from scratch: soup, bread, dressing, salad. No additives, just pure and simple ingredients.
We've been vegetarians (bordering vegan) for over a year now. Our eating habits have changed drastically. While we may have not lost as much weight as we have hoped, we are healthier than we were a year ago. It takes time to make a healthy meal from scratch and so we spend a lot of time in the kitchen. This is where a considerable amount of our family bonding takes place. Ed and I talk while cutting vegetables and Owen gets a kick out of "stealing" the cut vegetables from us and eating them.  I've read it takes 66 consecutive days (or some other random number) of doing an act for it to become a habit. I really feel (hope) this way of eating has become a way of life for us. It took work to get here, but I am thankful for it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ice Day

Today was Ice Day at Owen's preschool. The families froze buckets of ice that contained food coloring, glitter, and special surprises and brought them to school for the kids to build ice castles with.
The kids had a blast playing with the ice. (And yes, it really is this cold right now in Phoenix: 45 degrees during the day and 27 degrees at night. My vegetable garden, which lived through 120 degrees, has officially died. Very sad.)

The days prior to Ice Day, the kids were shown a block of ice that contained a toy in it and were asked to guess how they could best get the toy out of the ice. Most kids guessed they should melt it and provided different ways to melt the ice such as sun, fire, stove. Owen very proudly raised his hand and declared, "we can smash it!" You have to hand it to him, he can see the shortest distance between problem and solution.

My new favorite portrait of our family, drawn by Owen in school yesterday.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Christmas Eve Day 2012

We were fortunate to celebrate Christmas multiple times throughout our time in Seattle. Our first celebration began at Trina and Shawn's house with Robyn and all the kiddos.

Suneela is almost taller than Carrie. But Carrie will make sure to point out that she still is taller, to which everyone smiles gently and nods, letting her have that honor for at least another year.

 Robyn quietly taking in the excitement of Christmas.

 Have you ever seen someone so happy to get a spoon?

 The Schneiders opening their photobook.

This only took twenty shots or so to get them all smiling, but it was worth it.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cat Decides Boy is Better than Dog, Nothing

We've been back about a week from our trip up to Washington. I think the long trips away are starting to get to the cat. Plus, there is that dang puppy that she still doesn't trust.

For the first time ever, she voluntarily laid on Owen's lap and let him pet her. Owen was shocked and we had to take a picture to prove to Ed that it happened.