Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween Part 2

The "tourist" (Football player and race car driver were not working out because he didn't want anything on his head. So we improvised.)

Did you hear about the new pirate movie? It's rated ARRRRR.

What do you call a penguin in the desert?

Happy Halloween (again)!

(Update: Hilarious line from the night was when a family walks up and the mom exclaims, "El Pollo! El Pollo!" while pointing to Ed which means "chicken" in Spanish. Owen called Ed a duck all night. A truck, with a bunch of kids in the back, drove by yelling, "There's the penguin! Hi penguin!" I do think Ed, unofficially, had the best costume in the neighborhood.)

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from Arizona!

We carved pumpkins last night and celebrated one of my favorite traditions, baking pumpkin seeds. Owen loved them, which we figured because he tends to like everything I do (which is fun).

Carrie and I are going a a pirate and penguin, respectively, but we're not 100% on Owen's costume yet. We have the option of toddler football player or toddler race car driver. I think that's going to be a game-time decision, but we'll put up some photos however it turns out.

Wishing you all a fun, safe and happy Halloween!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Potty Bear

Some mornings, when Owen wakes up, we're told Huggy pooped during the night and needs his diaper changed. So we take Huggy and "change" his diaper. Well this morning, Huggy had to go potty but didn't like diapers anymore so he wanted to go on the big boy potty.

Owen is not a fan of the big boy potty and I was hoping this was a sign he was warming up to the idea of using it. But, in an unfortunate turn of events, Lion (Owen's other favorite stuffed animal) also had to go potty but Lion hates the big boy potty so he pooped on the ground.

Hopes were dashed and we instead talked about how we don't potty on the floor. (When Niah was potty training at the daycare, she would sometimes potty on the floor. Dawn taught the kids the mantra, "Don't potty on the floor!" and Owen repeats it, but I fear curiosity might get the better of him one day.)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Trucks and Pumpkins

This weekend we took a trip to go get a pumpkin or two from the Botanical Gardens. It was pretty crazy packed, so we didn't wait in line for the hay ride to the actual pumpkin patch, but we did enjoy the booths and festivities. We also found an old Chevrolet pickup full of hay and pumpkins that Owen was all too happy to explore.

It was pretty easy to find a pumpkin in the bed of the truck. Owen had a difficult time leaving such a fun place.

Carrie and Owen enjoying one of the many craft booths.

We had each gotten our hands on a good pumpkin.

Owen couldn't decide what he liked more - the pumpkins or the truck. The truck eventually won out (alas pumpkins don't have tires).

Saturday, October 23, 2010

That Time of Year Again

Lego time! My how time flies. Ed, sadly, missed out for the first time because of a TFA workshop. I didn't trust Owen around a moving train and thousands of Legos so Dawn watched him for the day.

We did something new this year and had the kids decide a name for the city and put them in a drawing. Let me introduce you to our wonderful city, "Scottslegodale." Kids are so clever.

The 14th annual lego crew. Unfortunately we lost our funding in the budget cuts for t-shirts. (What? Lego t-shirts aren't mission critical? Says who?) But next year is the big 15th year so we're going to try and track down a sponsor for the shirts. I think we can find someone and the kids will be stoked. We just have to figure out how to navigate the red tape that is city government.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Purple (Flower) Haze

The Texas Sage is in bloom again. These plants are incredible. They are pretty plain bushes most of the time and then you wake up one morning and - bam - they are covered in gorgeous purple flowers. I'm told they bloom after a good rain or there has been high humidity for a certain amount of days. I tell ya, I've never seen flowers quite as vibrant as the flowers that bloom in the desert.

Owen loves the purple flowers. They are pretty and smell good but, more importantly, they attract bees.

There is a slight buzzing in the air right after the flowers bloom as hundreds of bees busily collect pollen. They seem to be nice little guys given Owen tries to "pet" them and he has yet to be stung.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Plant Mania

Yesterday we hit up the Desert Botanical Garden's plant sale and I went a little crazy. Then I went to Lowe's to get soil and all their plants were in bloom. Jasmine, hibiscus, and honeysuckle - I could not say no. I love buying plants. It is my weakness. Unfortunately I'm not as good at growing them as I am at buying them so they have a 75% chance of survival. (Up from 50%. I'm getting better.) But plants are my therapy and my sweet husband understands that and does not mock me (much) when I come home with a box full and sadly throw 1 or 2 away 9 months later.

Owen giving mom some planting tips. I think between the two of us, this batch is going to make it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You Don't Get Jack (Yet)

On Sunday we went to see one of our favorite musicians, Jack Johnson. It was really nice because a.) Jack always puts on a good show, and b.) it was really nice for both of us to decompress from what has become a very hectic life schedule and feel normal for a few hours. Unfortunately, Owen isn't specialized in helping us decompress, so we made the executive decision to have him stay with Dawn for the night.

We missed him during the concert, especially when Jack was commending all of the parents who brought their little ones to the show. We knew we made the right call, however, when smoke of various origins was surrounding us all night long. Owen didn't seem too shook up though and he had a good time so, all's well...

Huggy bear? Check. Tractor tires? Check. Travel suitcase? Check and check; we're good to go.

Oh wait, we forgot one thing. Now we're ready.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Like Dirt? Will Play.

Owen and I toured an urban farm in Phoenix today. While there Owen made a new friend named Jack. (In all cuteness, Jack asked me if Owen could be his new friend.) They hit it off instantly when they realized they both like to run, explore where they shouldn't, and play in dirt.

Talking boy talk under the shade of a tree. Cars... bugs... stuff...

Nothing is more hilarious to a toddler then pretending to fall over. Not sure the tour guide for the farm appreciated talking over boys giggling madly but I know I much prefer to listen to children laugh over a lecture about pruning trees.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Kids Do Say the Darndest Things

This morning, Owen wakes up to find he has a sweaty head and therefore, a sweaty pillow....

"Mama - my pillow wet. My head is raining!"

I need to start writing these down. These are the memories that cannot be photographed and I do not want to forget.