Thursday, June 23, 2011


Daddy, my finger stinky.


Daddy, smell my finger.

(Smell) Owen did you stick your finger in your butt?


Wash your hands.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sweet Red Pepper

The summer heat is starting to take its toll on our little garden. The peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes are sprouting madly only to be burned by the sun a day later. Somehow this little pepper made it though.

It takes awhile for a pepper to turn red. This guy has been a big, green pepper for a few weeks, just hanging there, taunting Owen to come and pick him. Owen has been surprisingly patient and was very excited to see that the pepper finally turned completely red.

Our lone red pepper. A lot of love, patience and sweat went into that little guy.

We're determined to keep the plants alive in the 110 degree sun. We bought sun shade fabric tonight and Ed put it up so hopefully that will help them get through the summer.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Owen's Parents

This photo was not posted because of something Owen did. In fact, this is down right a poor picture of the kid. (In his defense, he had just woken up.) But Ed and I are smiling and having a good time so up the photo goes. Cause sometimes, you gotta take one for the team. Thanks Owen.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mud Time

It's that time of year again when parents encourage their kids to dive into pools of mud and slide down muddy mountains. Want to dump a bucket of mud on your head? Go for it! The muddier, the better. The daycare gang met up for some Mighty Mud Mania today. This is the 3rd year we've taken Owen but the first time he's really gotten into it.

His favorite part was sliding down mud mountains and "falling" into mud pits.

Baby Grae (Niah's brother) even got into the action.

Nothing says a hot, muddy day like icees and ice cream. After they were adequately sugared up, they tackled the mud again.

Today is Miles' birthday so we are all getting together again to celebrate with frosty drinks, pool time and a slip-n-slide. (Toddlers on a slip-n-slide sound dangerous but not as dangerous as adults with frosty drinks on a slip-n-slide.)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Coming Up For Air

That's about the best way I can describe the way I feel right now. I feel like a free diver who just went on their deepest dive ever and has reemerged to the surface without... what, death? Yeah, I guess that's good because it felt, to mix metaphors, pretty touch and go there for a while.

I spent Monday and Tuesday cleaning my classroom and getting checked out, so today was my first day that I got to have Owen and spend the day together. It was good. It is reminiscent of the Ed & Owen Show, except both of us are a little different from the people who we were then. I don't want to blather on, so I'll end with... I'm hoping to get back into the blogging; at least before my next dive. These photos have no real significance other than we're having fun with Owen and a little surprised by how big he's getting.

Owen is chipping in around her in that unique way only he can.

No lie, between April 19 and June 1 he grew 1.5 inches. We have it marked on the wall. He's eating everything in sight and complaining of leg and back pain (Jebus, I'll bet).

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

We'll Be Back

It's killing me when I think about how bad we have gotten with this blog. We were doing so well with it for so long. Things just got a little too crazy around here and some things had to be put on the back burner. Unfortunately one of which was this blog. I mean, we haven't even put up photos from his 3rd birthday party. And I made a kick-butt cake too that I wanted to show off!

I think the dust is starting to settle though. I'm into my second week at the new job. Ed wraps up his first year of teaching this Friday. We both have a momentary break from school. And our next round of guests arrive in a few weeks. (Hello Suneela! You ready for some sun?!) My point being that we are going to try and ramp up the blogging again. I don't want this to slip; it's so wonderful having all these memories recorded.

Even the simple memories like this one.