Sunday, July 31, 2011

Owen's Seattle Vacation

Ed and Owen spent July 6-22 in Seattle and I was able to join them for the last week. Since we've been back, Owen has been telling stories about boats, baby birds, worms, baby bunnies, and driving cars. The names "Tejas" and "Bella" roll off of his tongue naturally. I don't think he could have asked for a better vacation.

Throwing rocks with Tejas at Blake Island.

Climbing the big toy with Oliver in Bellingham.

Partying with Bella and celebrating her birthday.

Banging on the "drums" with Claire and Jackson.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our Sunee Vacation Photos

We are wrapping up a nice little week with our niece, Sunee, who has been down from Seattle and loving the change in atmosphere. We did a little of everything, seeing Cars, shopping, racing cars, swimming, hanging and celebrating 4th of July and surviving an epic dust storm.

Sunee is a fantastic young lady and it's nice to actually get to spend real time with her. She was coming to Washington while Carrie and I were going, so we really only have vacation visits to base knowledge on. This is similar, but a week of being around her has given Carrie and me a much better understanding of who she is.

Here's some documentation:

Sunee enjoying some pool time. Lots and lots of pool time was had this week.

Owen getting into the act. He loves his swim jacket because it helps him swim faster, we love it because he sinks without it.

Sunee and me gearing up for some serious competition.

Coming down the straight.

Owen likes putting many things on his head. Helmets rank near the top.

The dust storm we had last night was crazy.

Godspeed little doodle.

And one of our favorite shots, Sunee celebrating America with a little fire on a stick!