Saturday, December 20, 2008

Goodbye, Merry Christmas And Happy New Year

As some of you have probably noticed, we haven't been on here as often as we have been in the past. This is because of the million things we had to do to get ready for our trip to Montana and Christmas. Well, we've hit the point that we're as ready as we're going to get and I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. We're not going to be back until the 1st of January and unlike Thanksgiving, I am not sure of our prospects of posting from the road, although we'll give it a shot if we see an opportunity. Anyhow, we love you all and look for some fun and exciting photos and updates in a couple weeks or so. For now, I have some Christmas wishes for you all.

May you have twice that which makes you happy.

May you be pleased by the simple things in life.

May you keep your eye on the ball, even if you have your pants around your ankles.

May you find as much joy as Carrie and I have found in Owen.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Shhh - Owen And I Are Going To Rob A Bank

I can't tell anyone the details of our plan, but Owen and I are going to rob a bank. I can say that the plan involves us dressing up exactly the same and employing as many monkeys as we can get our hands on (monkeys not pictured). If all goes well, police will pursue the monkeys, who will be on their way to Mexico, and Owen, Carrie and I will be livin' large for the remainder of our days. Wish us well.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Festivities

We heard that it's going to be exceptionally cold in Montana while we're there. It's -20 there now and it's supposed to get a little warmer, but not too much. Besides, what we say in Phoenix probably applies there too. Hot's hot so, presumably, cold's cold.

With that in mind, we celebrated our outdoor holiday festivities this weekend in Scottsdale. They had Santa there and some fun characters walking around saying hello to the kids.

My mom took this one of us and it's now my favorite holiday photo of us, and arguably one of the best photos of the three of us together period.

Here's a bit of holiday cheer that involves all of us.

Chilly Willy and Frost Boy, the dynamic duo that can save your bacon if you're being wronged in sub-arctic temperatures.

Owen is not completely sold on the idea of mittens.

While this appears to be a sweet photo with the lovable Cookie Monster, closer inspection reveals that Cookie Monster is giving Owen the partial stink eye.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Comes Early

Since we will be in Montana for Christmas, we decided to celebrate Christmas with Robyn while she was in town. It hasn't clicked with Owen what this crazy time of year is about but he sure is smitten with the Christmas lights and ribbon.

Grandma just told him that Christmas happens every year. He seemed happy about this fact.

Opening presents with Owen took some time since he liked to try and eat them more than unwrap them.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Grandma's In Town

I have to admit, it's awfully handy to have a third set of hands to help out with Owen; fresh hands at that. When grandchildren live away, you have to pack a whole lot of physical caring into these short visits and my mom is doing a great job of working herself into the rotation. Plus, I think grandmas secrete a special kind of endorphins only when they're feeding a baby, so it's kind of like crack to them. It's a win-win.

Literally the first thing she did when she got off the plane.

There are so many things that my mom mentions she wishes she had with my sister and me. The Bjorn is on that list.

I'm moving away from the Bjorn and onto the baby parrot method of carrying Owen. I need to wait until he eats crackers and has a vocabulary of 50 words or so 'til baby parrot is perfect.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Countdown to Montana

Sorry, we haven't been very good with our posting. I think December is always a little hectic for everyone. Ours is a little more hectic this year because we are going to Montana for Christmas. With the exception of my parents and brother, all my family lives in Montana.

My Aunt Georgia sent Owen this University of Montana Grizzles outfit when he was born. At the time it seemed so big but it fits him perfectly now. Just in time for him to meet his Montana family.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Meeting The Family - Part 3

Well, we've stretched the trip to Sea-town almost as far as it will go. It's been kind of nice to have this week's postings taken care of because we're running around trying to get ready for a warp-speed December. This is the third installment of what could end up being four posts.

The Millers:

When grandma's got you, there's really only one thing to do: grin and grin hard.

In the unabashed display of excitement over this guy category, I think my grandma Miller has the edge on pretty much everyone in the family. I'd peg Ron at a close second.

Those two just look like trouble. At least the potential for trouble.

Tejas is super-sweet to Owen. I think he likes having someone smaller than he is in the family.

Proof that Jason likes Jen and that Jen thinks boys have kooties.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Meeting The Family - Part 2

This trip to Seattle was extra special because Owen and his cousin Bella were finally able to meet. I think we took 300 photos just of those two. Here are a couple of goodies but a post devoted to the two babies will be coming soon.

The Coopers:

Oh how things have changed.

The expanded version of the Coopers. (Not pictured: Bella's beautiful mom Alexis.)

Sorry Gail. We had to put this in. It's classic.

Getting a crash course on being a grandparent. Double the trouble, double the joy.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Meeting The Family - Part 1

Carrie and I really enjoyed having Owen meet his family. There is a lot going on whenever we head up to Seattle and although we didn't see as many people as we would have liked, we saw a great many people who were wonderful to Owen. This trip gave a perspective of family that you only get from being a parent seeing the next generation start up.

We've been going through the photos from the trip and thought it would be easiest to post in clusters. The Wilhelmes:

When he can't go to you, you kinda gotta go to him.

All smiles in Grandma's loving arms.

At least he's a happy drooly mess.

Me and Owen with a good-natured hobo we take in around the holidays.

Stevie's better with kids than you might think. Owen sure liked him.