Saturday, November 26, 2011


Kristi and Jeff hosted Thanksgiving this year. A couple of their friends and neighbors, along with the old daycare crew, came over for the day. It was potluck style, low key, and relaxing. It's interesting, and wonderful really, how people who do not have family near them find ways to create a family. Jeff said it best when he gave thanks at dinner: "I feel very thankful to have Miles in my life and am equally thankful for them people who have entered my life because of Miles." This is a good group of people and a nice little Arizona family.

There was an audible sigh of relief from Jeff when Ed offered to make the gravy. Ed was officially dubbed, "the gravy master."

Wren and Kristi aka Niah's and Miles' mom

Enjoying Thanksgiving dinner outside.

The kids working off the big meal.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nick and Tanya's Wedding

This past weekend we took a road trip over to LA to see Nick and Tanya get married. It was a beautiful wedding and the food at the reception was incredible. Armenians know how to throw a party!

Owen was the ring bearer. But even though he was bribed with chocolate and transformers, he still got cold feet before the wedding so Carrie walked down the aisle with him. It was a quick trip but it was nice to spend a couple days with family and see two people we care about get married.

Carol looked stunning and Nick looked completely overwhelmed but happy.

It took three adults making faces and jumping around like monkeys to get Owen to smile for the camera. Couldn't get the shirt tucked in but at least we got a smile.

The kids all together. Pretty rare considering they are scattered among three states.

Cutting loose on the dance floor.

Three generations having a good time together.

Owen continues to be smitten by Theresa. He didn't want to leave her side. Can you blame him?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

October Catch-Up

I realized that we needed to play catch-up on our photos. Time is flying by. Do you realize there are only six more weeks till Christmas? And in between that we have a trip to LA for Nick's wedding, Thanksgiving, a trip to Seattle to finally meet Jameson, finals for school, and a visit from Robyn and Arlene. Let the good times roll!

Owen's preschool had "trunk or treat" for Halloween and we volunteered to decorate our car. Ed's penguin costume was a hit as was Owen's race car costume. I can't believe we actually pulled the race car costume off. It's amazing what you can do with foam core and a hot glue gun.

We found this next to the two buck chuck. (Owen finds it hilarious to make a frown face when getting his photo taken. I have quite a few of these shots. Pretty clever.)

Overall a pretty cute outfit he put together.

Look what I encountered about two hours north of Phoenix. We're excited to take Owen up sledding and he's excited to make "balls out of snow."

"Mama. Take my picture cause I look awesome!"

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cars Watching Cars

We watched Fast and Furious Five the other night. Owen thought his cars would enjoy the movie so he lined them up so they could watch. He was also gracious enough to share his popcorn with them.

I purposely cut the kid out of the photo since he was, as usual, sans pantalones.