Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Rain is a novelty down here. It's equivalent to a snow day in Seattle. And without fail, whenever my mom is in town, it rains. She just can't get away from it. So true to tradition, it rained while she was here. But she and Owen made the best of it and went outside anyway and played in the puddles.

There's nothing like dirty street water to keep a kid entertained for hours.

He likes the rain. He'll do just fine up when he visits Seattle this summer. He evens owns classic Seattle attire - flannel.

Ed and I think we see a glimpse of the man he will become in this photo.

We like what we see.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Much Needed Break

My mom has been in town since late Wednesday night and headed out this evening. This trip flew by. It was great having her in town, not only to see her of course, but she also watched Owen so Ed and I could have a night out on the town. We met up with friends, had adult conversation and drank adult drinks. It was wonderful.

It took a bit for Owen to warm up to her but Grandmas are patient and persistent. After a couple trips to the toy store and playing outside together jumping in puddles, Owen was saying bye bye to me and Ed tonight and trying to get on the plane with her.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Five Quick Tidbits

1. Owen's vocabulary is growing fast and he's starting to form little sentences. His most used words are: car, poop, bird, food, monster (in a monster's voice; I'm looking in your direction, Ed), momocycle, no, more and most recently, mess. His favorite expression is "what happened?" He says it all the time. I love it because it reminds me Fred Willard in the movie A Mighty Wind. If you have a second, check out the video. Owen sounds exactly like him.

2. Ed is watching Transformers the Movie for the first time with Owen, as I type. Owen is fascinated by it which makes Ed a very happy guy. Here's what I'm hearing:

"Uh oh! What happened?"

"All the constructicons merging to form Devastator. The Dinobots are trying to stop him from destroying Autobot City."

My boys.

3. After Owen toots, he says "beep." We have no clue where he picked this one up. We suspect he made it up on his own which makes it even more hilarious.

4. We took away the pacifier. Or as we told Owen, "paci went bye bye." The first couple days were rough but, overall, it was easier than we thought it was going to be. He still occasionally asks for it but we just remind him it went bye bye and he seems okay with that. He still has his blankie so I think that helped the transition.

5. We had a very nice Valentine's Day weekend. The weather was gorgeous so we spent a lot of time outside, barbecuing and fixing up the yard. Nothing lifts the spirits like that first day you can open the doors and windows all day and clean and do yard work. It also doesn't hurt that the whole neighborhood is barbecuing so it smells wonderful. It's been a little hectic around here the last little while and this weekend reminded us why we're working so dang hard.

That's all for now. We'll be seeing quite a few of you very soon and we are so looking forward to it. Love to all.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saftey First (And Second)

All right world, whatchu got?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

What Happens When Dads Help

Carrie: Ed can you do Owen's hair before you guys leave?

Ed: Sure.

Carrie: What's that?

Ed: I asked him if he wanted a Mohawk today, he said yes.

Carrie: You're lucky it looks good on him.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

That Had To Hurt

Owen got a nice little goose egg on his head the other night. One minute he was happily playing at the playground and the next minute... bam!... he fell right into a metal bar on the big toy.

It's not that noticeable, right? I mean, you can barely see it.

He was in surprisingly good spirits given the fact he had to have a major headache.

The next morning the swelling went down significantly but a nice bump and bruise remain. Mobile babies are dangerous little things.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Separated At Birth

Sometimes cousins resemble each other so much people mistake them for siblings. Now, Owen and Tejas aren't around each other enough for this phenomenon to happen very often, but I suspect if they hung out together more it would happen all the time.



What did I tell you? Spitting images of each other.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Keeping Us On Our Toes

What happens when you let your guard down around a toddler?

Fun Happens.