Check out his little bum... you see how dirty it is?
It is very hard to keep the bum of a scooting little boy clean. I can always tell when it is time to mop by the amount of dirt on Owen's bum.
On a different topic all together... Congratulations to Jen and Jason!! Little Jackson was born on September 21st, 2009. He is beautiful and tiny... under 7 lbs! Lucky Jen. We are so happy for them and cannot wait to meet the little guy.
Thanks guys! We hope that our little guy will keep us as entertained as Owen has you. We have decided that we will be able to use your previous and future posts as a sort of study guide on how to raise a GREAT kid. So thanks for providing us that through your little anicdotes here! Take care,
Jen & Jason
Well, I can think of that huge house with all that tile, and can see Owen scooting along from room to room. And I can see his bum getting dirty no matter how often you mop the floor! :0)
You noticed the time on Jason and Jen's post, didn't you. I think being awake at 12:33 in the morning is going to be normal for them for a little while. Remember that? Good luck to them and welcome to the family little Jackson.
Please give Owen a hug for me. Miss you guys!
That happy smile made me smile too!!!
Love, Greatgrandma M
That is REALLY funny :-)
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