Owen got some good seats to the show today as I weed-wacked the back forty. He seemed like he wanted to be out with me, but it was probably for the best that he was safely inside the house. We actually cranked out a bunch of house stuff this weekend and we can proudly say that our house is in the best shape it's been during our ownership.

Owen had seats so close, you could smell the freshly cut grass.

He even got a shout out from a performer.
that's some fine masonry work behind ed. yessum.
I've been meaning to say . . . just look at all that hair. Probably kind of a strange post to note that, but really, I've been looking at his hair lately. He's getting lots of the stuff. He was sure wondering what you were doing out there, wasn't he Eddy? I know his standing is old news to you guys, but it's still makes me smile when I see it. :0)
Yup..that dreaded (but always cute)first haircut is getting closer. It looks like Owen is barely using the windowsill for support, WOW!
I spent a goodly amount of time looking at these very cute photos... enlarged.
Love, Greatgrandma M
Not only are these the fun days due to being a young family, new little guy, nice weather, getting things the way you want in your new especially for you environment. Everyone is happy, and you have your whole life ahead of you, you have pictures to make sure you don't forget how good life can be.
Enjoy every momen.
Love, Dad
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