Sunday, March 16, 2008

More Nursery Photos

I think we are about done with the room as we are beginning to run out of space.  We bought the puzzle bookshelf at Costco (our happy place) and are filling it up with books along with the happiest crab stuffed animal we've ever seen.   It's fun to look around at the nursery.   Most of what you see in the photos is proof of how lucky we are and what a lucky baby Owen is. The glider is from my mom, the boppy from Ed's cousins, the crib from a co-worker, rug from an aunt, books, stuffed animals, pictures, hand-made blankets... all from people we care about and who already care so much about Owen.   Raising a child is definitely a group effort and the kid isn't even here yet.  Thank you.  


Anonymous said...

Hey, look at that Lion rug! I didn't know you could enlarge the pictures until today, and that is so cute. The whole room is darling, lots of fun and really great things.

By the way, we are all lucky to have you both and Owen, too.

Much love,

Mom & Jack

Anonymous said...

Hey De,
The nursery is missing one thing- ok 2 Owen and a teetee monkey!!!

