Wouldn't you rather hear about BMW's free-revving inline 6, heavily weighted steering, .88g lateral grip and near perfectly balanced 49.8 front and 50.2 rear weight distribution than which animal on the farm is the fuzziest? I know I would. Looks like Owen would too.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Lookin' Good to Go Out on the Town
We all took a little trip to the pediatrician today and we wanted Owen to look his best for his first time out in public. This is one of the cutest outfits he has. If you click on the photo, you can see that his booties actually look like little Converse All Stars. We're transitioning from the "deer in headlights" parenting phase to the "this is kind of cool" phase. I'm personally looking forward to the "let's see if those bastards can do 90" phase. That should be some good times.
Wardrobe courtesy of Jen and Jason
Extra points if you got the Back to the Future reference.
What Can I Say? Cute Kid.
Let the Good Times Roll
Ed's Seemingly Irrational Fear of Babies with Toupees Turns Out to be Well Founded
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Pictures of Child Rapidly Outnumbering Pictures of Cat
First Family Photo
Well, here is the first photo of the three of us. This was taken right before we were discharged today. Owen is nice and secure in his 5 point harness. Carrie and I are really, really happy to be outside of a 10 x 10 room. This is the first time Carrie will have been outside the hospital in about 5 days. It was really weird to be in the outside world with him. We became the authorities on the little guy, which is scary because all we really know is that he likes to eat, sleep and poop. Also, changing diapers - not that bad.
P.S. Picture in background... totally Scottsdale.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Little Man Is Here
Monday, April 21, 2008
We're Close

We're closer than this. This picture has no relevance to proximity. Instead, this is the unofficial flag of Earth Day. Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd. April 22nd is what we're close to. Another interesting thing that's happening tomorrow is that we're going to be inducing labor. Carrie is going to to begin labor tomorrow at 10:00 AM and with any luck we'll have a baby in the late afternoon. Actually, that's about as late as we expect things to happen. Carrie is having contractions today and they're a little sporadic, but they're about 20 mins apart, so it could be sooner. It's very crazy. Wish us luck.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
We're Not Really Kid People
A reoccurring fear of mine is that I'm not really going to like having a kid around. I know that everyone says that it's so great being a parent, but all of the positives seem intangible whereas all of the negatives seem very tangible. Example: Pro: you're going to feel good nurturing another human being; Con: you have to clean up poop, a lot of poop, all the time. This was getting me a little down, but then I realized it probably is going to happen that I do form an irrational bond with my child resulting in my willingness to clean up all sorts of crazy poop, vomit, spittle, etc.
To put this in perspective, I channelled my feelings about the cat. Before we got her I was not really a cat person. Now, however, we have like 200 pictures of the cat, we really like her, and I find myself telling stupid stories about the cat that I'm sure are less interesting to the recipients of said stories than to me. That's parenthood, right? Replace "the cat" with "the baby" and you have the legacy of generations of irrational attachments to screaming, pooping, helpless beings. My fears have been assuaged.
(I'm crazy cat beard man, give me some candy!)
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Graduating with a Baby in Tow
Carrie and I went into Tempe today to pick out the outfit that Owen will wear to my graduation. I have to admit, it's pretty cool that my son is going to be able to attend my graduation from college. I don't know if it's the different stages of life slightly overlapping that is bringing the enormity of the next few weeks into focus, but I really feel as if my entire life is going to change overnight. The mental image of holding my son while wearing my cap and gown has been a real inspiration to me over the last few weeks of school where the grind tends to create a lackluster sensation of school.
There is an episode of The Simpsons where Homer covers up a plaque in his office that says "Don't forget you're here forever" with pictures of Maggie, the baby of the family. The pictures block letters in a fashion that makes the plaque read "Do it for her." I know that's a little bit of a sappy comparison, but I feel like there is an inspirational quality to having Owen coming into my life. I want to set a good example for him by putting my effort into everything I do.
On a lighter note, we also found Nala an outfit to wear to my graduation. As you can tell from the photo, she loves it.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Leaving Some Skin on the Kickball Field
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Gots Me a Bad-Ass Tattoo
Our buddy Susan and I decided the other night to get some wicked tattoos. Hers is a Japanese symbol that means... well they said it meant water, but it probably means easy or something like that. Mine on the other hand is unmistakably a bull. I'm a taurus, my dad's a taurus, and with any luck Owen will be a taurus.
Signs of Denial Reemerge
I'm sure some of you heard about the 6 pregnancy tests we took to get our minds around this pregnancy thing. We have made a lot of progress since then, but the other night Carrie showed signs of regression.
We were having our carpets done and, unfortunately, the cat got stuck in the closet all day. We put up this sign for the carpet cleaners and I couldn't resist this photo.
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