We've been going through the photos from the trip and thought it would be easiest to post in clusters. The Wilhelmes:
When he can't go to you, you kinda gotta go to him.
All smiles in Grandma's loving arms.
At least he's a happy drooly mess.
Me and Owen with a good-natured hobo we take in around the holidays.
Stevie's better with kids than you might think. Owen sure liked him.
Well, Owen's first Thanksgiving and he got to meet so many new people! Great pictures from Dad & Carol's on Thanksgiving, plus, just look at those two cute guys lying on floor looking straight at each other. You can tell one is a little older than the other (yes, yes, you can) and you can tell they are communicating in a unique and unusual way . . .
Much love to you all. :0)
It's close, but I think Theresa got the bigger smile from Owen.
Dad/Ed/Happy Grandpa/Uncle Ed
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