Is this not the cutest picture of them? Something about 80 degree weather in November makes Seattlelites giddy.
"Hi new person. Welcome to my house. Now push me in my car. Thank you."
Owen was shy the first 10 minutes but warmed up to Lois quickly after that. It could be Lois kicked into classic grandma mode and won him over with kisses, toys and candy. Works every time.
These are really good pictures, you guys. I have to agree, too, that has to be one of the best pictures of Gary and Lois I've ever seen!
Looks like everyone was having fun . . . and I know Gary and Lois will appreciate having the chance to see you while they were down there. And here's to 80+ degree weather. That sounds pretty good right about now. :0)
What a nice surprise... to check your blog, and there were these great photos! And your captions made me smile a lot. As I was looking at these, it almost felt like I was there. (good feeling!)
XOXOX's, Greatgrandma M
Glad Owen became aquainted with Gary and Lois. They are true gems in the family and you'd be missing out on alot if you didn't get to know them. And yes, those are some fabulous pictures!! Thanks for posting them. You smile just looking at the fun Owen was having. You almost can expierence it with him. Love, Trina
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