The Easter bunny came to the Wilhelme house this year. I don't think Owen fully understood what was going on but he had a good time anyway. He woke up to a basket full of goodies and eggs hidden in the yard. We didn't have him help us dye eggs though. We were fully planning on it and then during dinner, he threw his plate - again - and Ed and I both looked at each other and said, "next year." Eggs look too much like balls and all balls must be thrown and we could see egg dye going with it. Plus, I bought brown eggs (doh!) so the egg dye process was pretty anticlimactic anyway.

Owen took egg hunting very seriously.

He did a great job finding the eggs on his own.

As with every holiday, we wish we were with family and miss everyone. Happy Easter!
Claire helped last year, and you were wise to wait! She did a much better job this year! She was the only one hunting this year. Because of the crappy weather, we hunted in the front room. Happy Easter! Miss you all. Love Great Aunt Maryann
Glad you guys had a nice Easter and we like the balanced egg on the fence latch. What a cleaver Easter bunny! Love, Trina
OOPS- clever not a bunny related to the Beaver.
Well, he's sure scouting everything out in that last one, isn't he?? Wherrrreee are those eggs?????
Congratulations on all your great finds, Owen, and glad you guys all had fun. Lots of Love, Mom
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