Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Camping Trip

This weekend we went to Sedona to get a little rest before the craziness of my being shipped all of three miles to intensive training camp begins. Three miles may not seem like much, but with 20 hour days on the schedule, it's going to be enough. The TFA training is at ASU, which is very fortunate for me because this is one of six or so regional training centers in the country and it's in my back yard. The good part is I get to come home (and do work) on the weekends, the bad part is that between now and July 17th Carrie is going to know what it's like to be a single mom. But I digress.

Sedona is beautiful and we had fun roughing it with Dawn and the other parents from the daycare. And I mean roughing it because we're rough at camping. We're determined to get better, though, so here are a few of our favorite moments to remind us camping isn't about what you forgot (I'm looking in your direction tent poles), it's about what you remember.

Sedona has beautiful red rocks everywhere.

Niah is such a cutie and how she kept that coat white, I'll never figure out.

Owen and Mom throwing rocks into the creek.

Pirates. Baby pirates.

Owen and Miles are becoming bosom buddies, which spells trouble for everyone else.

Camping lets you be a little more primal than usual.

How do bubbles taste, you ask.

Why bubblicious, of course.


Katrina said...

Tej and I are looking at this and he wants me to zoom in on the last two pics of Owen and the bubble container. I explained to him that Owen was tasting the bubble mixture and he asks me, "Ya, do we have bubbles?" That crazy streak must run in the family! Looks like we've got another camper in the Wilhelme bunch. Love, Trina

Anonymous said...

Tent poles?We don't need no stinkin tent poles..hahaha Owen,welcome to "Wilhelmeing" G.U. Dave

Rebecca Shirley, LMT said... have to tell Owen that we use "toothpaste" to brush our teeth...not bubbles! :-) Cute pictures....we're going camping soon to Lake Chelan....and I'm PRAYING for good weather. Please send some good sunshine our way. :-)