Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday

In commemoration of Owen's third birthday, we have decided our little boy is growing up much more quickly than originally anticipated. In light of this, we're writing down and sharing with the world what Owen is like today as well as our favorite "Owenisms" before he grows up any further. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Favorite color: green
Favorite ice cream: mint chocolate chip
Favorite foods: iceberg lettuce, asparagus, popcorn, and cookies
Favorite drink: apple juice
Favorite toy: anything with wheels
Favorite activities: running, playing in mud, going to the park, building forts, hiding in forts, and, of course, fighting dragons

Owenisms - as spoken by a true 3 year old

- My butt hurt. I need to go to the dentist.
- I have chocolate, yes or no?
- I want to hold you. (Translation: Pick me up.)
- The moon is broken!
- I hear crickers.
- Mama, you a princess today? (Asked anytime Carrie wears a dress.)
- You naughty daddy. You need go to timeout.
- Daddy naughty, yes or no?
- Poo coming!
- That guy head big! (Of course stated directly in front of said big-headed guy.)

And finally, a short story.

Owen gets a package in the mail and proceeds to open it. First thing he opens is a toy. He gets excited and starts playing with it. Ed pulls out a second package, it's candy; very fun. Finally, Ed says, "there's more buddy." Owen excitedly opens it, discovers that it's clothes and exclaims, "Daddy, that not more!"

Happy Birthday Owen!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Clean Up

We have a busy week ahead of us. Georgia and Crystal get in tomorrow and my mom and dad get in on Saturday. We have Owen's 3rd birthday, Easter and our 6 year anniversary. Plus we just found out Robosaurous and Grave Digger are in town so we'll have to squeeze in a monster truck show. The weather is hot, the hammock is out and the pool is warming up. Let the good times roll!

The boys cleaning house in preparation for the weekend festivities.

Kiddie Drum Circle

An oldie but goodie that was never posted (date: August 2010). As the temperatures start to rise, I start thinking back to last summer. Swimming, sprinklers, naps under the fan, and night-time zoo trips. The night zoo trips are probably unique to Arizona. Too hot to go during the day so the zoo is open at night. This particular night that we went, there was a drum circle for the kids.

Owen got a kick out of it. He banged on that drum for awhile.

I loved this night. Running through the zoo at night, playing in the water, and hanging out at a drum circle. Something to look forward to this summer.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Barbecues And Birthdays

Yesterday Dawn had a barbecue for all of the daycare parents and because of the proximity to Owen's birthday, everyone brought presents for Owen and considered it a semi-birthday party too. Dawn made carne asada on the grill and it was awesome.

It was good to get together with the families of the kids who our kid knows like family. It makes us realize what a unique situation Owen is in and, to a certain extent, lament the fact he's going to be leaving it soon.

Dawn has been good with it. Owen's "crop" has been the second group of kids to have gone through the daycare and moved on to more grown-up endeavors. It has to be tough for Dawn and for the kids to have this connection severed. I suppose that's part of life.

It was really fun to have everyone together, relaxed and having a great time all because our children spend most of their waking hours together. It was a little serene to know that it's kind of the end of a life chapter.

Playing parachute with Tim and Niah.

Using Russel as a human trampoline.

Sitting at the kid's table is pretty okay at Dawn's house.

I like this shot because it has all of the kids having fun in some way or another. I think Owen's stuck.

Carie made dirt bowls for dessert and the kids enjoyed them. It's crushed up Oreo's, pudding, more Oreo's and gummy worms sticking out. Needless to say, the evening ended with a ton of fun energy and a huge crash. By the way, Dawn has been asked more than once if she runs some sort of an Arian daycare. All the kids are blond and oddly, not one parent is.

Keeping little hands out of the mother-load of sugary goodness was a little tricky, but we managed 'till the party.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bicycle Built for Two

It really is the simple things in life that make it so pleasant.

Come home from work and hop on a bike. Just cruise around the neighborhood, say hi to the neighborhoods, maybe stop by the park.

Owen loves it. He points out cars, dogs, oranges on trees. So much to see that you miss riding in a car. Life slows down when you are on a bike. It's very nice. Try it sometime.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sprouting Dreams

I have heard that if you have a garden and a library, then you have all you need. We have been working on our library for many years now and decided it was time to work on a garden.

When we bought the house, we thought the mildly frighting, weed infested, abandoned dirt lot that was our side yard would be a perfect spot. (We dream big.)

A few weeks ago, through the edible landscape project and with help from volunteers of the Desert Botanical Garden, we were able to get two truck loads of free dirt that took the side yard from scary to usable.

We're starting small with a couple of raised beds. We planted warm weather crops that like the Arizona sun - peppers, jalapeños, corn, pumpkins, and cucumbers along with herbs like basil, oregano and mint. I'm following the square foot garden method. It's easy for me to understand since I'm a beginner gardener.

I love the little garden. It is my therapy. I enjoy waking up a little extra early to go out and water the plants. The mornings are still cool, the birds are chirping, and I love the smell of the soil. I also love that it is a family thing. Ed is keeping an eye on the plants because he knows I do not have a green thumb and could use some extra help. Owen likes the dirt and checks to see if the vegetables have come yet. He had requested the pumpkins so he's excited for those.

My friend Scott has an incredible backyard garden and he is my inspiration. It's taken him ten years to get where he is and he just expanded a little bit more year after year. That is what I hope to do. Gotta keep dreaming big.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cooling Down In The Pool

Well, it's April and you know what that means... winter is over and it's finally time get back in the pool. It was 93 degrees today so a refreshing dip sounded pretty good. Our outside is becoming the center of our home life yet again. With a nearly three year old, life with a pool is much different than it was last year. He jumped off the diving board for the first time today into my arms. We have a water lover on our hands.

Owen really enjoyed the first swim of the year.

Carrie contented herself by relaxing with a book. She's studying up on organic gardening now that we have our side yard in order. We have two raised planters, the best compost on Earth and a variety of vegetables just waiting to occupy the same place at the same time. It's getting there as I type this.

Wishing everyone warm thoughts from your Arizona getaway.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fool's Day

May you not look foolish today - happy Friday!