Favorite color: green
Favorite ice cream: mint chocolate chip
Favorite foods: iceberg lettuce, asparagus, popcorn, and cookies
Favorite drink: apple juice
Favorite toy: anything with wheels
Favorite activities: running, playing in mud, going to the park, building forts, hiding in forts, and, of course, fighting dragons
Owenisms - as spoken by a true 3 year old
- My butt hurt. I need to go to the dentist.
- I have chocolate, yes or no?
- I want to hold you. (Translation: Pick me up.)
- The moon is broken!
- I hear crickers.
- Mama, you a princess today? (Asked anytime Carrie wears a dress.)
- You naughty daddy. You need go to timeout.
- Daddy naughty, yes or no?
- Poo coming!
- That guy head big! (Of course stated directly in front of said big-headed guy.)
And finally, a short story.
Owen gets a package in the mail and proceeds to open it. First thing he opens is a toy. He gets excited and starts playing with it. Ed pulls out a second package, it's candy; very fun. Finally, Ed says, "there's more buddy." Owen excitedly opens it, discovers that it's clothes and exclaims, "Daddy, that not more!"
Happy Birthday Owen!