Favorite color: green
Favorite ice cream: mint chocolate chip
Favorite foods: iceberg lettuce, asparagus, popcorn, and cookies
Favorite drink: apple juice
Favorite toy: anything with wheels
Favorite activities: running, playing in mud, going to the park, building forts, hiding in forts, and, of course, fighting dragons
Owenisms - as spoken by a true 3 year old
- My butt hurt. I need to go to the dentist.
- I have chocolate, yes or no?
- I want to hold you. (Translation: Pick me up.)
- The moon is broken!
- I hear crickers.
- Mama, you a princess today? (Asked anytime Carrie wears a dress.)
- You naughty daddy. You need go to timeout.
- Daddy naughty, yes or no?
- Poo coming!
- That guy head big! (Of course stated directly in front of said big-headed guy.)
And finally, a short story.
Owen gets a package in the mail and proceeds to open it. First thing he opens is a toy. He gets excited and starts playing with it. Ed pulls out a second package, it's candy; very fun. Finally, Ed says, "there's more buddy." Owen excitedly opens it, discovers that it's clothes and exclaims, "Daddy, that not more!"
Happy Birthday Owen!
Happy birthday BIG Boy! Love the picture....hard to believe that 3 yrs has gone by so fast.
btw...whats up with the guy in the background? brings a whole new meaning to "dudes got a stick up his butt!" lol
love you guys!
What a tall, handsome, happy little boy! Love to see him having such a good time. :0) All of his Owenisms were precious, isn't it just amazing what he says? I can't wait to come down and hear some of them myself.
Sorry Owen was under the weather the night before his birthday party, but sounds like he had a wonderful time at the party. Hope his clothes fit, oh and by the way, let him know Tejas has the same Cars bathing suit. He wanted Owen to have one, too.
Love to all, Mom / Grandma Bg
Happy Birthday Owen!!!! Thanks to Mom & Dad for sharing all about you. I miss you guys! Have a great year being three, you only get to do it once!
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