Owen, Dawn and her daughter testing out the mud.

Owen coming to the realization that he is not fond of mud in large quantities.

This is Owen giving the evil eye to a woman who was sitting behind him wearing a large, floppy hat. He is still not a fan of hats. The woman was sweet and when she realized he didn't like her hat, she took it off and put it out of view. The evil eye was soon replaced with a smile.

Instead of playing in the mud, Owen choose to sit in the shade and eat strawberries.

It was hot and messy, with tons of kids, and overall a great time. We will definitely go again next year.
Look at the way Owen has his left arm around Dawn in that first picture. I remember him doing that with me while we were down there . . . he holds on really well, doesn't he?
Looks like a good time was had by all!
Oh my gosh....that looks like so much fun (um, for the kids I mean). Wish we had something like that up here....guess I'll just have to do it in my backyard.
I'm amazed to see Owen's expression in the "I see someone wearing a hat, and I don't like it one bit" photo. Since the lady took the hat off, Owen's silent message came through loud and clear.
Love, Greatgrandma M
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