Carrie: "Daddy, I want to play in the mud."
Owen: "No. We don't have mud. Too dirty."
Carrie: "Daddy, I want to go outside and I don't want to wear any pants." **
Owen: "Are you going out front or out back?"
Carrie: "Out front!"
Owen: "No. You can't be naked out front. People will see you and the police will get it you."
Carrie: "Ahhh daddy. Please"
Owen: "No. Put on pants. Shoes too."
Owen does a dang good impression of Ed. It's crazy. Now Ed doesn't seem too thrilled about the impression. He thinks he sounds like a jerk. I think he sounds like a parent.
** The "if outside, you must wear pants" argument is a fairly common battle around our house. With Owen of course.
This was a really cute story! I can just see him trying to sound like Daddy. Very clever, really. Cute picture of him shaving, too. Enjoy your Sunday everybody! Lots of Love, Mom / Grandma Bug
How funny---Wearing arguement only had in Az. As long as O had undies and sunscreen on... We encourage the kids to wear coats and/or hats here in our house. But cute game. And way to express yourself Owen!! Love, Auntie Trina
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