We're getting the inside of our house painted in two weeks and are very excited. If you've been to our house you know that it's long over due. We *think* we have our paint colors picked out. The overall feel we are going for is Mediterranean Spanish. Of course the color we thought would be neutral, when put on the wall, was not at all what we wanted. And now after playing with the neutral color, we are leaning towards a less neutral color. Paint is so tricky.
Halloween is fast approaching. We get a ton of kids trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. Plus Owen's preschool has "Trunk-or-Treat" this Friday which involves trick-or-treating (parents decorate their cars and the kids go trick-or-treating to each car), a chili cook-off and a movie on the lawn. So in preparation we bought 20 lbs of candy. Owen's eye got huge when he saw it all.
Speaking of Halloween, Owen is adamant about being a race car this year. Every time I ask him what he wants to be, he says, "race car." Specifically a green race car. I tried to get him a race car driver costume and when he saw it he said, "that not have tires!" In all honesty, I really didn't have it in me to make a race car costume but my co-workers dropped hints that I was a bad/lazy mom and stated it would be, "soooo easy to make." (In my defense, they are engineers. To them it probably does sound easy.) So this weekend Ed and I are going to attempt to make a race car costume. I'm hoping it's the thought the counts.
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