Owen's preschool had "trunk or treat" for Halloween and we volunteered to decorate our car. Ed's penguin costume was a hit as was Owen's race car costume. I can't believe we actually pulled the race car costume off. It's amazing what you can do with foam core and a hot glue gun.
We found this next to the two buck chuck. (Owen finds it hilarious to make a frown face when getting his photo taken. I have quite a few of these shots. Pretty clever.)
Overall a pretty cute outfit he put together.
Look what I encountered about two hours north of Phoenix. We're excited to take Owen up sledding and he's excited to make "balls out of snow."
"Mama. Take my picture cause I look awesome!"
Indeed he does look awesome.....can't wait to see you guys......3 more days....okay maybe 4
I can't wait to see you guys, too! I've got a few more than 4 days, but not very long. :0)
Loved the pictures!! You guys are awesome. It feels like we're there with you. Have fun at the wedding,
Love Mom / Grandma Bug
A little like Edward Sizzorhands!!Lookin' good O!!
Love, Auntie Trina
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