Carrie and I started a "diet" on the 1st of the year. I put diet in quotes, because we're not really limiting the amount of food we're eating or counting calories; we've just started putting only healthy things into our body. And it's working out well for us because it goes that we can put as much raw veggies, cooked veggies, fruit and beans into our body as we want. It doesn't feel like a diet at all, other than we are eating things we never thought we'd be eating. In the initial six weeks, I lost 20 lbs and Carrie lost 15 lbs. It is funny, becasue it's going so well, I don't think we'll go back to our old ways, at least any time soon.

I like to file this one under "I ate that." We have a smoothie for breakfast almost every morning and, honestly with as many salads as we eat, it's the thing I look forward to most in the day. Did I mention your taste buds change a bit on this diet?

We've started composting because we go through so much plant waste. It's nice because we take the garbage out half as frequently as we used to. Owen likes it because there are a bunch of bugs in there.

This is how our refrigerator looks now. Especially on Sundays after we stock up for the week.

Owen has even gotten in on the action. He LOVES helping me make smoothies. He helps in any way he can, all the while professing "I'm a good helper." I seriously like that. Also, he'll just reach up while we're making a salad and grab a romaine lettuce leaf and start munching on it because he "loves salad." I seriously like that too.

We haven't got Owen on this diet 100%, mostly because he just doesn't eat that much, so he probably wouldn't be getting enough of the stuff he needs if was getting it from leafy greens and nothing else. It is nice to hear from Owen's teachers, however, that Owen always has the most healthy lunches in the class and they are proud of how well he eats.
Overall, changing the way we eat has done wonders for our health in a short amount of time. We have more energy, lost weight, and - per Carrie - I don't snore nearly as much anymore. If anyone is interested, we followed this book and highly recommend it:*Name of the vegan restaurant Carrie wants to open. Next to the brewery she also wants to open which is next to her community garden. She dreams big.