A huge mystery box of candy, what's not to love about Valentine's Day?
Carrie and I went to a black tie event the other night and had Dawn watch Owen. It was one of the few nights out we get so we weren't going to waste it. Since this is also one of the very few times we get dressed up, we had Dawn take some pictures.
Carrie was looking more beautiful than ever; Ed even less gooney than usual. A perfect evening.
This picture encapsulates our life right now. (Hint: the little reminder of why we rarely go out is never far away.)
What a beautiful couple. Carrie, your dress is stunning. Ed, you look quite dapper. I have always admired some people’s ability to be comfortable and look natural no matter what they are wearing and in whatever setting that presents itself. You two my dears have that quality.
And I love Owen’s one armed reminder.
Thank you for the Valentines Day Card, and what a great picture of the moving car.
Dad / Boat Grandpa
Wow, you guys look fantastic! Carrie, that dress looks just gorgeous on you, and what a cool color. You mut have had a lot of fun finding it, and the shoes! Beautiful. :0) Eddy, you look soooo handsome . . . you know, I've always thought if guys only knew how incredible they look when they dress up, they really woud do it more often. Thanks for posting the pictures, I've been checking everyday to see if you would.
Glad Owen had a wonderful day yesterday! I sure did, when I heard his message. Like I said last night, I'll be listening to that message a million times.
Thanks for the Valentines card, and thank you, Owen for the picture of Finn McMissile. I love it! Lots of Love, Mom / Grandma Bug
Oh, for a warm, sleevless dress wearing V- day... MMMM- sounds so nice. I hope everyone had an enjoyable evening.
And thanks for the card- we were thinking of you guys too. Hope everyone got lots of chocolates!!
Love, Trina
WOW!! you both look very happy,and so darn grown up.Owen did a nice job of dressing you two up for the evening! "GREAT JOB OWEN" Love,G.U.D.
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