Friday, November 30, 2012

Earning Those "Gingerbread Boys"

Owen is definitely sensing that the holidays are among us.  The neighbors have inflatable reindeer in their yard, packages are starting to arrive for him that he can't open yet, and the dead giveaway - Mom is listening exclusively to Christmas music.  

In the spirit of the season, Carrie and Owen decided to make what Owen refers to as "gingerbread boys" today.  One of the best aspects of Carrie staying home with O this year is that time can be spent forming traditions the right way.  They spent the better part of the afternoon making gingerbread cookies from scratch.

Owen was running this project from the very beginning.

 He picked the gingerbread cutter spacing (with a smile, I might add).

 He got them placed on the cookie sheet with intent.

He watched them bake, adding that extra level of care truly exceptional cookies possess. 

We decorated the cookies as a family, but I'm going to give Owen the intensity award here.  There were no shenanigans whilst frosting the gingerbread boys.  He gets this way when exuding creativity.  I'm hopeful about what that could mean about his interests in the future.

The boys dabbling in Prometheus' work - but in a much more delicious medium.

The little things that serve as evidence of a mother's love.


Mom / Grandma Bug said...

Well, it's hard to believe there are no comments on this one yet! This was amazingly good to see. I loved the comment about watching the gingerbred boys (cute, that) bake. And look at those smiles.

You guys are great. Yeah, you are. :0)

Love, Mom / Grandma Bug

Katrina said...

Looks like a yummy season in the Wilhelme house. Love it!!
Merry Christmas--Trina