Sunday, February 24, 2013

Owen's Car Wash

Owen watched Curious George make a car wash for his toy cars and decided it would be a great idea to give his cars a good monkey-style cleaning.

The design was pretty much his idea and it worked surprisingly well.  I love his imagination and creativity and we really try to put in the effort if he's game.

And it's fun when his ideas work out.


Katrtina said...

Cute!! We love Curious George also. He (the monkey) is great. We watch him every morning. In fact, often times he is the only reason Tejas gets out of bed in the mornings. After going in his room to wake him up many times, my last resort is to flip on George and turn the TV up. We love George's inventions too (from compases to potato mashers).Trina

BG HG Dad said...

I firmly believe that "Curious" is the best human trait! I love questions from kids that start with "what if"......and if we chuck out some of our paradigms (which isn't always easy) we get to witness some pretty cleaver thought processes.
Keep having fun with learning at all ages.
Bg Hg Dad