Saturday, February 15, 2020

Centering Friends

Being pregnant comes with numerous doctor appointments. With Owen, those appointments started to get old as they increased in frequency. So this time around, we joined a Centering Group. Our Centering Group consisted of other parents-to-be due around when we were.

We would meet monthly as a group - then weekly in the third trimester - with a midwife and nurse for two hours on Tuesdays. The meeting consisted of a quick check-in with the midwife then as a group we would discuss a topic of pregnancy or parenthood and have the opportunity to bring up concerns or questions.

While at times it was a little tiring to essentially have a two hour doctor appointment versus a 15-minute appointment, I am so happy we joined and stuck with it. Through the process, we met some wonderful people. Our group had a whole mix of personalities, but they all blended well and the vibe was always positive/humorous/supportive.

Considering we started out as 20 strangers, the process did exactly what it was designed to do: create bonds with people who are going through the same thing you are. The most wonderful part is that I have kept in contact with the majority of the moms since giving birth. We have a text chain we started after the class ended that is about a mile long now and anyone can chime in at any time day or night with anything on their mind and will find a supportive voice immediately. It's pretty impressive.

We recently had a playdate where we brought (almost) all of the babies together. Seen above, left to right and in birth order, is Woody, Benji, Wyatt, Harrison, and Auri. Ed and I had an amazing group of friends in Arizona to have playdates with and rehash the joy and struggle of parenting. I'm so appreciative that we found a group here in Tacoma too.

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