Friday, June 19, 2020

Six Months: What A Weird Strange Trip It's Been

This time last year we were still in shock at the idea that our family was growing. We've now reached the point where we can't imagine our life without Wyatt. Team Wilhelme prior to Wyatt was solid. Team Wilhelme after Wyatt seems to be even stronger. 

At 18 pounds and 27 inches long, Wyatt is healthy and hitting all the six month milestones. He rolls like a champ from back to front but does get stuck in what Owen calls "The Turtle". He's starting to show interest in crawling but still just wiggling around slowly on his belly. 

He's starting to sit-up on his own with little support. We're debating if "hi" is his first word since it's the word/sound he seems to have put together that gets a reaction when you see someone. He'll look directly at someone (or the dog) and say "hi". Dada gets yelled a lot. Mom (or moo) and nanana are sounds filling our home more and more as well. 

He's a really chill baby. He's easy to read. When he's tired, he rubs his eyes. When he's about to fall asleep, he starts to moan. When he's hungry, he coughs. When he's impatient, he yells "dadadada"(Ed loves this). He loves to laugh which fits perfectly with having an older brother that loves to make people laugh. 

COVID made it so everyone had to stay home, but for us, it gave us an opportunity to strengthen our family. We would never have wished this to happen, but as Homer Simpson says, we've turned this into a "crisitunity."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard the DADADADADA the other day! What a hoot . . . and believe it or not, I got the sweetest "hi" while Eddy was holding him just before I left. It brought tears to my eyes. I love how sweet Owen is with him, too, the smiles he gives Wyatt are so precious! Gramma Bug