About six years ago, a group of friends were sitting on a balcony late at night drinking beers and thinking deep thoughts. As they watched the cars drive by a pact was made; a pact that all have kept to this day. It was on that night that they swore they would never own a mini-van. Eye contact was made as it was said, hands were shook and beers were toasted. It was that serious.
Well kids - we've kept our end of the bargain. Meet Yoshii, the newest member of our family. Yoshii is our official baby mobile. After months of research on Ed's part, we decided that the Scion XB is a perfect fit. We traded in our little Toyota Tacoma 2 seater for this guy. Some people love it, some hate it but to us it is perfect. Plus it meet all the criteria:
- Safe? Check.
- Big enough for stroller? Check.
- Consumer Reports approved? Check.
- Not a minivan? Check.
a mini van is fine if and only if you drive it like Mario Andready.
Whatever. If it's not a Volvo, it's a rental, haha.
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