Oh man. The terrible twos are upon us and they are exhausting. On one hand, Owen's curiosity is cute and he is learning more and more each day which is fun to watch. But his curiosity comes with a price and that price is our sanity. Just this weekend the following phrases have come out of our mouths:
The cat is not a horse. We don't ride Nala.
Please don't eat the marker/crayon/chalk/bug.
How do you get gum out of hair?
I can't count the number of times we have heard Owen say, "Uh oh! I mess." Which this weekend has meant, the cat food bag was dumped upside down, a picture frame was broken, a glass bowl was broken, and popcorn was thrown around the living room. And of course, there is the always predictable ending to mealtime which is the plate getting chucked across the room.

Look! Mashed potatoes make great shampoo.

He's cute. He knows it. And he's testing to see how far his cuteness will take him. Good times for his parents.