Sunday, March 14, 2010

Terrible Twos

Oh man. The terrible twos are upon us and they are exhausting. On one hand, Owen's curiosity is cute and he is learning more and more each day which is fun to watch. But his curiosity comes with a price and that price is our sanity. Just this weekend the following phrases have come out of our mouths:

The cat is not a horse. We don't ride Nala.

Please don't eat the marker/crayon/chalk/bug.

How do you get gum out of hair?

I can't count the number of times we have heard Owen say, "Uh oh! I mess." Which this weekend has meant, the cat food bag was dumped upside down, a picture frame was broken, a glass bowl was broken, and popcorn was thrown around the living room. And of course, there is the always predictable ending to mealtime which is the plate getting chucked across the room.

Look! Mashed potatoes make great shampoo.

He's cute. He knows it. And he's testing to see how far his cuteness will take him. Good times for his parents.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys are getting it with both barrels! You can see why sometimes you want to laugh and sometimes you want to scream, I'll bet. Maybe this will make it a little easier when you think about it . . . my Dad's favorite age was two years old. He would get a big kick out of seeing Owen right now. :0)

I love you guys and I miss you all like crazy. Can't wait to see some of the "uh oh" behavior myself! Mom

Anonymous said...

In answer to your gum question, you have two choices. Freeze it with ice, or let him rub peanut butter on it, and it slides out. With Claire amanda used peanut butter. With us mom used both!!! or just clipped our hair!
Love ya! enjoy!!
Great Aunt Maryann

Rebecca Shirley, LMT said...

I think the terrible two's last until they move out of the house! They just get more creative on what limits they want to push!

Be happy he's not painted the walls w/ poo.....or clogged the toilet w/ cars, or stuffed the gum up his nose....or rubbed an entire tub of hydrocortizone cream into a stuffed animal, or drew picture down the entire hall way with a sharpie! I could go on w/ more.....

Not sure what gets us through parenting in the younger years....but I'm seeing some glimpse of hope after the teen years! :-) Just hold on....its a wild ride!