2. If Owen likes something, it becomes his "favorite" thing. That's my favorite car. That's my favorite movie. That's my favorite rock.
3. He can sing the alphabet though he does leave out 'k' every single time. He can also pronounce the alphabet phonetically. Ed works with him every night and it's paying off.
4. We just found out Monster Jam is this weekend. Owen loves monster trucks and though I do not, I should probably be a good mom and take him. He has this horrible dvd about monster trucks that he loves to watch. Plus he has a youtube monster truck addiction. Ed will be out of town so it will be just me and Owen. At Monster Jam!! (insert megaphone voice here)
5. Ed had movie night for his kids Friday night and Owen and I went (before vomiting ensued, of course). We watched Toy Story 3 (Owen's favorite movie) and ate popcorn. Ed is a natural teacher and you can tell his kids respect him. Owen was super shy at first but warmed up when a kid made him a little toy soldier out of tinfoil. Some of Ed's kids are trouble makers but they all have good hearts.
6. Owen has had some funny nights sleep the past few nights. Last night he had a nightmare and woke up really angry saying Miles had taken his sticker. He was still asleep and I was trying to calm him down by saying Miles didn't take his sticker. He was adamant that Miles did so I told him Miles will have to go to timeout. That quieted him down and he went back to sleep.
7. Friday big Ed is retiring. I am very jealous and I have a feeling Carol is very happy. Congratulations Ed! Now you can come down and fix our house. We have a pool light that needs some tweaking. Ha ha!
8. Owen fell into a duck pond a couple weeks ago. It was just me, Owen, and Oro the daycare dog. The edge went out under him and he went in. It was scary at first, seeing him submerged but then I realized how shallow it was. It was more cold and absolutely disgusting. One does not want to swim in a duck pond. I jumped in, dog and all, carried him out and up to the car and immediately to the bathtub. In the past we had problems with him getting to close to the edge that resulted in us leaving the park with an angry toddler. I don't think we'll have that problem anymore.
Owen pre-duck pond swimming.
9. Owen thinks it's hilarious to toot in the bathtub. I do not. "Mama, the toot coming! Here come bubbles!"
10. Last but not least, tomorrow is my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday mom! Wish we were there. I love you.
1 comment:
Carrie- Thanks for the great up-date. All the pictures are fun and it's nice to hear a litle more of the sunny days in Az too. We'll miss you up here on Friday and over the weekend.
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