Well, there it went. 2011 has come and gone. What a year. New jobs, schools, challenges and adventures. It was a rough one, but we saw that coming when we rang in 2011. We are very optimistic about 2012.
Our blogging, unfortunately, slacked a bit this year. There were a few moments we were going to post about and never did. So to wrap up 2011, here are some moments from the year that, for various reasons, never made it up. Enjoy.
Visiting the La Jolla emergency room for an earache and spending 5 hours in a hospital waiting room rather than hanging out on a beach.
Ed and Owen running the bases at M's spring training with Jason and Jackson.
Celebrating Owen's 3rd birthday.
Looking for, and finding, Easter eggs...again and again and again....
Learning how to drive a boat.
Running in mud and drinking beers at Warrior Dash.
Talking to a parrot at the Santa Monica Pier.
Being a family.
Hi guys! I've enjoyed the last several posts so much, for one of a million reasons just haven't had time to tell you just how "clever" you are. :0) Mom and I wanted to tell you all (please tell Owen for us, too) how much we enjoyed our visit just before Christmas. (We both really, really enjoyed the Brato pictures) Owen was a perfect gentleman, and made us both feel so welcome. It is so fun to see him so excited. Your home is just beautiful, and believe me, the results of all of your hard work is obvious everywhere. The hard work you give your jobs and education is also obvious, there was not a moment you both weren't planning for what needed to be done next. Thank you both so much for having us down, it meant the world to us to be there. So, here's to you both, here's to Owen, and here's to 2012! Can't wait until the next time I get to see you all! :0) Much love and Happy New Year, Mom / Grandma
Hey- did you paint the inside of your wall around the pool aqua blue? Cool! Or was that just trick photography? Either way, it looks neat. Love, Trina
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