Owen asked for a race car track from Santa. He was a little confused and upset when Santa didn't immediately produce a race car track. It took a bit of explaining that Santa brings it on Christmas and doesn't pull it out of his red, toy sack when you meet him.
Bella very sweetly asked for a guitar. Then she got the heck away.
Santa and his family. Quite a jolly bunch.
At the party, Santa handed out candy canes to the adults though he missed me. I mentioned to Owen that Santa forgot to give me a candy cane and Owen said, "Santa didn't give you a candy cane because you are mean to people." I, quite shocked asked, "who am I mean to?" Owen says, "You're mean to Owen. You put Owen in the time out chair. Santa doesn't like it when you put Owen in the time out chair so you don't get any presents this year."
Clever little punk.
Too cute. And Carrie, you've got to work on that time out chair if you are going to ever receive gifts again. What a beautiful mind that boy has.
That's a confident youge man you've got there, Carrie. I like how he so easily attached a correlation to his frustration with sitting in the time out chair with you not receiving a gift. That O is a crafty one...
Love you guys, Trina
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