Saturday, June 16, 2012

Pool Parties

There are definite signs you know it is summer in Arizona, like when you can't walk outside with bare feet; you have to be extra careful getting into the car to avoid being scalded with a seat belt; and all activities revolve around a pool. Owen has been invited to four birthday parties, all of which are pool parties.

We went to Miles' birthday party this morning. The party started at 8:30 a.m. It was genius, really, and I may steal the idea for Owen's birthday next year. The weather isn't too hot and all you have to serve is fruit, bagels, coffee, and juice. Brilliant!

Niah and Miles racing down the good 'ol slip-n-slide.

The center of the festivities. When Kristi realized about 20 kids were coming to the pool party, she hired a lifeguard to watch over the pool. The kid took his job very seriously. He never cracked a smile or took his eyes off the pool. 

 Note to self: give kids water guns at the end of the party so that parents are not dodging water the entire party.

 The birthday boy and his father as everyone sings Happy Birthday. 

Owen had a great time at the party, then came home and promptly feel asleep.

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