Saturday, August 18, 2012

We're Melting

Was I just complaining earlier about it being too hot? Man, what a wimp I was.  You see, our air conditioner is no longer working. I think our a/c has technically not been working since Wednesday, but we were in denial that it had gone out. It's been very humid since it's monsoon season so we just figured our a/c was struggling to keep up with the heat and the humidity. (Unfortunately, this lack of a/c coincided with my first week of being a stay-at-home mom, so that was a lot of fun.) But we had to face facts that it is not normal for a house to be 90 degrees at all hours of the day, or to have it actually be cooler outside than inside the house... in August... in Arizona.

We have an a/c guy coming early Monday morning and until then we are spending as much time away from the house as possible. We also decided a slumber party was in order in the room that seemed to be the coolest. That part is kind of fun. Lemons into lemonade, right?


Mom / Grandma Bug said...

How did it go with the a/c guy? Are you guys cooling down yet? I got to thinking about all of you in the family room . . . all 5 of you. That must have been fun! Hope things are going the right way for you. oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox to Owen, Love, Mom/Grandma Bug

Katrina said...

Wow- no AC in the hot Az weather. Does not sound like fun. Glad it was experienced with a little humor. (With more camping!!) Great solution. Wishing coolness to the Wilhelmes down Southeast of us. Love Trina