Sunday, March 10, 2013


The Wilhelme Family had the good fortune of having a very dear friend of ours spend some time with us last week.  I've reached the tipping point with Miranda, meaning I have lived longer with her in my life than without her.  We met when we were 15 or so and have been in each other's lives ever since. She came into my school one day to help me teach, and with one of my classes she told them that she had known "Eddy" for like 15 years.  There were looks of befuddlement abound - both for the timespan and that their teacher is known as Eddy to some people.

I love low maintenance friends.  It can be a year and a half since the last time I talked to Miranda, but I can call her up and she'd be like, "Oh, hey what's up Eddy?"  It's nice to have those people in your life with so much history banked, nothing that happens in the present really affects the dynamic.  Our friendship just is.  I can list on one hand the total number of people I feel that way about.

Miranda made a new friend and perhaps an admirer with Owen.  This picture was taken in the midst of a car-sick-pit-stop on the way to Sedona.  Owen composed himself rather quickly so as not to appear vulnerable in front of his new friend.

Time is a funny thing.  Throw in some life and you have quite the bizarre combination.  To go from dumb, apathetic children to less dumb, engaged adults is quite the transition and I'm glad to have had this amazing person to call a friend along the way.

I really don't think Owen wanted Miranda to go, but she's in the middle of a walkabout of sorts.  She's been traveling the world in search of a new experience and perhaps some new insight or characteristics as well.  I'm not sure exactly what she took away from a week with the Wilhelmes, but I am so happy we had the opportunity to contribute.

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