Monday, March 25, 2013

The Spring Break Adventures of Boat Grandpa & Uncle Dude

My Dad and Uncle Dave were in town last week for my spring break. First off, these fools drove down straight through from Seattle; after experiencing that joy, I would politely decline such a proposed trip, but there's no accounting for crazy. Once everyone got situated, it was off to the baseball games.

The first of quite a few ball games, we saw the M's vs. the A's and Dave got his first taste of spring training victory. In reality though, 85 and sunny at a ballgame right behind the 3rd base dugout, everybody wins.

Owen scarfed down a hot dog at the game that was about half his size.  It was a milestone in my life, having bought my boy a hot dog at a ball game. Hopefully the first of many.

It wasn't all fun and games, though. When we all get together, we "like" to do little projects around the house. This time we built a fence for Carrie's garden (more on that later).  It may look like 2/3 of the party was doing the work, but in reality, Dave was cooking up some really thoughtful design ideas for Carrie to paint once the fence was up.
Even work (or forced labor, depending on your perspective) can't be that bad because this picture was taken in F-Dub right around the time we were building that fence. I know where I'd rather be.

Which brings me to Uncle Dude. Owen gave Dave this nickname and, wouldn't you know it, it surpassed Uncle Fester as Dave's preferred nickname. 


Boat Grandpa / Dad said...

Team Wilhelme,
And once again, a good time was had by all. Eddy, you and Carrie did a great job that fence and the raised bed boxes look perfect. We had a ton of fun. I love the picture of Owen and Dave (Dude).....Seeing those two together brings back some great memories of Dave and someone else pretty special.
Carrie you are doing a wonderful job with you two boys, and thank you both again for your gracious hospitality.
Please give Owen a knuckle bump w-explosion for me. You may want to add a spaceship for Dave too.
See you soon......
Dad, Boat Granps

Katrina said...

What a great shot of Owen and Dave! I love it!!! Trina