Sunday, April 12, 2020

Baby's First Easter...

... was very anti-climatic. A pandemic will do that to a holiday. The day was nice and simple. Owen looked for the eggs the Easter bunny hid. Wyatt, alas, did not get a basket but he seemed very content watching his brother open his. We spent the morning watching Hop and eating candy from Owen's basket.

Pre-pandemic I had bought Wyatt a cute outfit to wear for Easter. Wyatt was not a fan of having it buttoned all the way up; he prefers the David Hasselhoff look.

Eventually the pants came off, as what can happen during a quarantine.  Owen was disappointed his pants had to stay on. Growing old is a bummer sometimes.

Fortunately, Wyatt got a few good naps in. He had been pretty fussy the past couple days, so extra naps were a good thing.

We ended the evening with a long walk and a message of hope.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Really enjoyed the pictures . . . and Wyatt looked adorable even if he didn’t want those darn pants on 😊. Owen looked great, too, and I swear his hair is getting lighter than before ❤️ Love, Grandma Bug