Friday, April 3, 2020

A Brother's Love

Ahhh... brothers. You can count on them to be there when you need support. And you can count on them to make fun of you when your parents buy you a munch mitt.

Wyatt loves chewing on his hands. He doesn't seem to be seeking his thumb; he just loves having his hands in his mouth. His hands were starting to look a little raw, so we bought him a munch mitt thinking that would help out. Wyatt's not having it, and Owen thinks it's hilarious. A couple of gems from Owen when he was making fun of Wyatt:

"One mitt to rule them all!"

"I am inevitable!"

We do appreciate that Owen's ridicule is tied to literature, and Wyatt might appreciate that this ridicule (along with the clear lack of interest) resulted in the munch mitt being quietly put to the side.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wayt is saying "What the heck is this?!" :0) Hey Owen, great quotes! Mom/Grma Bug