I want to express my gratitude to Carrie for making the sacrifice to go to work while I got to stay at home and spend my days with our son. That was a gesture I will never be able to repay, but neither will I ever forget its significance. Few fathers will be able to have had this kind of experience with their children and I am so happy I got the opportunity to bond with my son in such a unique fashion. Also, thank you to all of you who without question supported this reversal of convention and made us feel like we were doing the right thing.
I think I realized what kind of a relationship I have with Owen on his first birthday when after his birthday party, Ron and Debby were going to take him back to their hotel for the evening. It was the first time since he was born Owen and I would have been sleeping under different roofs. These plans were made at the spur of the moment without me and when the news reached me the other attendees of the party said that I looked like I took the news rather hard. Of course, I got used to the idea and everything worked out, but I realized not too many fathers would have had the reaction I did.
This past year has been incredible. I have hiked (small) mountains with Owen strapped to my chest, done countless laps around our park and had lunch with my beautiful wife almost every single day. I feel like I have gotten to know Owen in a similar fashion as a man knows an old car he has fixed up – “Oh, when he makes that noise, you have to put some of this right there”, or “you’re going to need a bigger spoon."
My new job is going to be great. I’m so happy to have found a really good job in the midst of a really bad economy. I’m starting within days of moving into our new home, which is going to be a fantastic experience in and of itself. Carrie and I feel we’ve worked hard to get to where we are in life and that a lot of the sacrifices we made earlier are beginning to pay off. We are happily looking forward to what the future holds for us, but I wanted to take a look back for a second at some of my favorite moments from the Ed & Owen Show.
The Botanical Gardens.
The Zoo.
Hiking Piestewa Peak.
Staying cool in the pool.
Swinging at the park.
First off. Congrats on the new job. It sounds like you are looking forward to it and I hope you're happy there. Secondly, as i read this latest blog I am feeling a pang of sadness as well for the culmination of the Ed and Owen Show. You're family got to experience a pretty rare thing in this day and age. I truly believe that you, Carrie, and Owen have all benifited greatly from this wonderful opportunity. What an increadibly family you have. Good luck with this next chapter of the Ed-Carrie=Owen story. Luv Ya!! Shannon
You all were so blessed to experience Owen's first year of life they way you did. You're right, the knowledge and love that you have towards your son is very geniune and unique.
Congrats on the new job and new adventures. I'm sure there will be no shortage of evening strolls though the park and weekend hikes. A great new adventure awaits you, Owen and Carrie....and your family is right here to support and encourage you through it!
But one question? You will still be posting updates on the blog right?? I look forward to seeing all of you and hearing how you're doing. :-)
Hugs and love,
Congrats, on the job, and the time you got to enjoy with Owen. Remember when you start to miss him, breath in deep, and be proud that you have a happy baby to share with others. Love to all, Aunt, and Great Aunt Maryann
Throughout all of the blog posts, it's been interesting to try and figure out who is happier in the pictures, the very smiley baby or his parents who get to hold him. We've really gotten a kick out of looking at the expressions of the two of you when Owen is the subject of the photos.
The idea of moving and starting a new job at the same time is not one I would wish on anybody. If anyone is up for it, it's you! Good luck and I wish we were down there to help you three with your adventures and the move. Starting a new job and getting into a house (with a pool) are both very exciting, wonderful and deserve congratulations!
I know that you know how extraordinarily lucky you are to have had the type of experience you were able to have at home with Owen. You captured it beautifully in this post...(Jen couldn't read it without sobbing, I had to read it aloud to her).
I think the star of the show remains young Owen. The supporting cast looks like they get to take turns more often now. We look forward to the show's upcoming spin-off, that will include many interesting new stoylines.
Love you all, Jen and Jason.
Congrats on the new job Ed, that is fantastic. I think it is amazing you've been able to have this time. Owen is one lucky boy and you are an amazing dad.
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