Since it was a low-key Christmas around the Wilhelme household, we decided we would try to have as good of a time as we could, even if that meant delving into the realm of wackiness. The only person who would be the wiser is a baby, who, incidentally, was having just as much fun as we were.
We had a ham for Christmas dinner. How was the ham, you ask. I'll show you:

I thought it was tasty, Owen thought it was funny.
Owen wasn't quite getting the mouse on his new laptop.

I told him not to worry because Scotty made the same mistake in Star Trek IV and he was a Starfleet engineer.

Then there was the Wiggle Racer:
Carrie loved the Wiggle Racer.

Ed loved the Wiggle Racer.

Ed not loving the Wiggle Racer anymore.

Owen showing surprising aptitude on the Wiggle Racer considering inherited Wiggle Racing skill. (See above.)
We all missed being around friends and family, but we also very much enjoyed spending quality time together. Merry (late) Christmas everyone! We love and miss you all.