Owen, with his diaper wedgie, looking for something to play with.
We were very impressed until it dawned on us the bottles were made of glass.
Boxes replaced glass. Cans stayed. Actual toy building blocks remained untouched. There's nothing like a kids imagination.
What an entertaining shot to open your day with. I was paying bills on-line and decided to take a peek at the blog. And up pops a picure of Ownee's half butt. We got a long chuckle out of that one. What a cutie. Thanks.
Cute, cute, cute pictures. He may pay you to keep that first one out of publication in the future. :0)
Goes to show you kids know: toys are not real and real is SO much fun!
Many hugs to all of you, you're ex-in-house-visitor and early-morning-play-mate, Grandma Bug
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