We have now entered the new stage of parenthood: sore backs from bending over helping him walk, being the slow people in the store as our child "walks" through the aisles, and avoiding restaurants since who would want to sit when you can walk!
Today is also Grandparent Withdrawl Day. A day filled with an angry baby who is not getting the attention he knows he deserves. No McDonald Happy Meals, no walking up and down the outside curb whenever he demands it, and no one constantly holding him. Life is rough on Grandparent Withdrawl Day. Luckily, we're bringing in another Grandparent mid-week, so Owen will get the undivided attention he's become so accustomed to.
It's wonderful to see him making such great progress guys. I do have to say though that these photos must be photoshopped.... you guys can't possibly be wearing PANTS in AZ. haha Miss you all and I'm sure you will soon have a VERY mobile and quick little guy to keep up with.
Love Ya
It's great to see you all walking. Thanks for the picture update. When you miss a week, you miss a lot.
Keep up the great work.
Love, Dad
A wave of emotions came over me (or maybe I should say, overcame me) when these photos appeared on my monitor! Right now I have tears in my eyes. ...you know....how you cry when you're happy....
Love 'n xoxox's
Greatgrandma M
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