It's not that noticeable, right? I mean, you can barely see it.
He was in surprisingly good spirits given the fact he had to have a major headache.
The next morning the swelling went down significantly but a nice bump and bruise remain. Mobile babies are dangerous little things.
Eddy, would you like me to find the picture of you with your eyes crossed from the head to knee you got at Brigadoon?
That was almost as scary as the pogo stick through the chin.
Good to hear that Owen is in good spirits though................Love you guys....Owen hang in there and focus on your situational awarenesss.
Carrie, the second pic may be my new favorite of you two. It is a beautiful photo. Kudos to you all for the moment and the capture.
Love, Dad / HG
Like father like son,Carrie I hope he has some of your coordination genes.
When I first saw this all I could think of was Wowouch! And I agree with Ed, Carrie . . that second picture is really great of you and Owen. And also, now that I think of it, Eddy did have a few unforgettable moments, too.
Hope Owen's feeling better . . . from the look of the next pictures you guys have posted, it looks like he does. Love to you all, Mom / Grandma Bug
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