Rain is a novelty down here. It's equivalent to a snow day in Seattle. And without fail, whenever my mom is in town, it rains. She just can't get away from it. So true to tradition, it rained while she was here. But she and Owen made the best of it and went outside anyway and played in the puddles.

There's nothing like dirty street water to keep a kid entertained for hours.

He likes the rain. He'll do just fine up when he visits Seattle this summer. He evens owns classic Seattle attire - flannel.

Ed and I think we see a glimpse of the man he will become in this photo.

We like what we see.
Thats a face of a contagiously fun and energetic leader! Born to live in Seattle. lol
Its fun to look back at pictures of Nate when he was this age....and see how much he's changed, yet looks the same. :-)
Wow! I love all of these pictures! Owen is getting so big, which does makes sense 'cause 2 is just around the corner. It's kind of hard to be so far away from him when he's changing so much!
He's definitely a little boy now, not a baby. Splashing and stomping in puddles is such fun, isn't it Owen? You'll love all the puddles up here, sweetheart. :0)
Love to you and your Mom & Dad, Grandma Bug
Your son just keeps getting cuter and cuter :-)
In this and the previous blog, it appears that Owen is having a WONDERFUL time. How sweet it is!!!
Love & XOXO's Great Grandma M ;-)
How cute! Claire did lots of puddle jumping this weekend too! Her puddles came with mud!! Love to you all! Aunt Maryann
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