Sometimes cousins resemble each other so much people mistake them for siblings. Now, Owen and Tejas aren't around each other enough for this phenomenon to happen very often, but I suspect if they hung out together more it would happen all the time.


What did I tell you? Spitting images of each other.
Hey, LOVE this one! I'll have to tell Tejas to take a look . . . two fine fellas here, I'd say. :0)
And they DO look alike!
Love, Mom / Grandma Bug
This is just too cute for words!!
But I have a few words anyway... adorable ... happy ... lovable ... charming ... delightful... so sweet...
Love, :) GreatGrandma M
What can I say, when you are right, you are right! Great pics
When I showed this one to Tejas, he pointed at his picture and said,"No, that not me. That Jackson!" Another great cousin group for this generation!!
Being in Az. you would think Owens tan would be darker than Tejas's.It's hard to tell them apart!! Uncle Dave
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